Lawyers For Preferred Creditor Status In New York Bankruptcy
When a debtor files for bankruptcy, creditors have the legal right to protect their interests in what is referred to as the 341 creditors’ meeting, in which the trustee reviews documents and evidence and decides whether certain creditors must be exempted from the bankruptcy and must be paid. This is referred to as preferred creditor status. Gathering, preparing and presenting the evidence are critical steps in protecting your business from serious debt write-off.
Fighting Hard Making Sure You Are A Preferred Creditor
If your business is facing the potential loss of debt you are owed due to a bankruptcy filing in New York, you owe it to yourself to aggressively pursue classification as a preferred creditor.
As soon as you receive the official notification of pending bankruptcy, schedule a consultation with me, bankruptcy defense lawyer Aaron M. Schlossberg in Manhattan. I have earned a reputation for my aggressive defense of New York City businesses facing the loss of millions of dollars in debt write-offs in U.S. Bankruptcy Court.
Contact Me, Attorney Aaron M. Schlossberg, Today
Contact me immediately upon hearing of a debtor’s intent to file bankruptcy. I will review your accounts and prepare an aggressive defense for your 341 creditors’ hearing. Call me at 646-698-8752 or contact my firm by email to request a return call or message to schedule an initial consultation.